Source code for pyrubberband.pyrb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# CREATED:2015-03-02 11:36:15 by Brian McFee <>
'''Command-line wrapper for rubberband

.. autosummary::
    :toctree: generated/


import os
import six
import subprocess
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf

__all__ = ['time_stretch', 'pitch_shift']

__RUBBERBAND_UTIL = 'rubberband'

def __rubberband(y, sr, **kwargs):
    '''Execute rubberband

    y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,) or (n, c)]
        Audio time series, either single or multichannel

    sr : int > 0
        sampling rate of y

        keyword arguments to rubberband

    y_mod : np.ndarray [shape=(n,) or (n, c)]
        `y` after rubberband transformation


    assert sr > 0

    # Get the input and output tempfile
    fd, infile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.wav')
    fd, outfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.wav')

    # dump the audio
    sf.write(infile, y, sr)

        # Execute rubberband
        arguments = [__RUBBERBAND_UTIL, '-q']

        for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):

        arguments.extend([infile, outfile])


        # Load the processed audio.
        y_out, _ =, always_2d=True)

        # make sure that output dimensions matches input
        if y.ndim == 1:
            y_out = np.squeeze(y_out)

    except OSError as exc:
        six.raise_from(RuntimeError('Failed to execute rubberband. '
                                    'Please verify that rubberband-cli '
                                    'is installed.'),

        # Remove temp files

    return y_out

[docs]def time_stretch(y, sr, rate, rbargs=None): '''Apply a time stretch of `rate` to an audio time series. This uses the `tempo` form for rubberband, so the higher the rate, the faster the playback. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,) or (n, c)] Audio time series, either single or multichannel sr : int > 0 Sampling rate of `y` rate : float > 0 Desired playback rate. rbargs Additional keyword parameters for rubberband See `rubberband -h` for details. Returns ------- y_stretch : np.ndarray Time-stretched audio Raises ------ ValueError if `rate <= 0` ''' if rate <= 0: raise ValueError('rate must be strictly positive') if rate == 1.0: return y if rbargs is None: rbargs = dict() rbargs.setdefault('--tempo', rate) return __rubberband(y, sr, **rbargs)
[docs]def pitch_shift(y, sr, n_steps, rbargs=None): '''Apply a pitch shift to an audio time series. Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray [shape=(n,) or (n, c)] Audio time series, either single or multichannel sr : int > 0 Sampling rate of `y` n_steps : float Shift by `n_steps` semitones. rbargs Additional keyword parameters for rubberband See `rubberband -h` for details. Returns ------- y_shift : np.ndarray Pitch-shifted audio ''' if n_steps == 0: return y if rbargs is None: rbargs = dict() rbargs.setdefault('--pitch', n_steps) return __rubberband(y, sr, **rbargs)